Leaving Low Earth Orbit Icon

What are you looking at?

An experiment.  

This is a mirror.

I talk a lot of shit. I have forceful opinions. Voices ringing in my ears, a rolling chant that accompanies me everywhere. I converse with them constantly, silently mouthing to them under my breath as I move through life.

I’m curious how I sound, how my thoughts will look arranged neatly in one place. I hope to learn something from hearing my own voice. When you make something, you meet yourself.


The last few years have brought a lot of changes. Most are welcome. Some have been painful.

I am noticing how much of what I thought were truths are, in fact, assumptions. Not everything is a fight, not everyone is out to get me. Maybe I'm not always right. Maybe I'm not always rational. Maybe I'm not aways kind.

I feel myself becoming something new. Exactly what, I am not sure yet. The uncertainty makes me want to commit my feelings to writing, so that I can see myself change, so thatI can understand it better.

Who are you?

Pseudonymous for now. That may change. Or it may not.

That doesn’t mean I’m hiding. If anything you read here makes you feel something, write to me about it.  Love it or hate it, I would want to know.